The enemy does not just come and take your family away, he doesn't just come and wreck your finances, he isn't after your car.
The enemy comes in the middle of the doubt, in the lowest of lows to attack your mind. To plant seeds of deception inside of your mind to attempt to get them to sprout. This can turn into making thoughts and feelings against your family that aren't even real. Making you decide to take more financial risks that end in failure. Or even when it all piles up and your car breaks down and you blow up on those closest to you and you begin to wonder why God hates you or has forgotten about you.
The enemy is there to get into your mind to place that doubt and fear.
We must strengthen our minds. We must be in the word of God to know what He has already defeated and has explained to us how to handle. We have the instructions to life through Jesus. We just have to read them, study them, and remain steadfast on those truths.
Then we will be able to see and discern the enemy's attacks and know when to speak Jesus name to cast the enemy away. Darkness and light can not exist together. Once the light fills the room, the darkness must fade away. This is the same of our lives. When the light of Jesus is in you and shining from you, then enemy and his darkness has no place in you or your mind.